
1.肉じゃが(Braised Meat and Vegetables)

肉じゃがのレシピ(Braised Meat and Vegetables Recipe)
Ingredients (Serves 4)
- 250g beef plates, thinly sliced ( *Fatty meat will add more flavour to the dish than lean meat.)
- 4 large potatoes
- 1 medium carrot
- 1/2 ball devil's tongue in thread form (ito konnyaku)
- Chives for garnish
- Seven-spice chili mix
- 1 Tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 1/4 cups water
- 3 Tbsps sugar
- 3 Tbsps sake
- 3 Tbsps soy sauce
- 1 Tbsp mirin sweet cooking sake
- Peel the potatoes, cut lengthwise into four wedges(4つ割り), and soak in cold water for 10 minutes.
- Peel the onion, and cut lengthwise into six wedges. Cut the beef into 4cm pieces. Peel the carrot and cut into random shape.
- Rinse the ito-konnyaku in cold water, cut into 5cm lengths and boil for a few minutes.
- Heat oil in a pot, and fry the beef. Add the chopped ito-konnyaku, onion and potatoes. Fry until their surfaces absorb the oil (全体に油がなじむまで).
- Add the water to the pot, bring to the boil over high heat and skim off the foam(アクを取る). Reduce the heat, add sugar and sake, and simmer(煮る) for 5 minutes.
- Add mirin and soysauce, cover with a drop lid(落とし蓋), simmer until all the liquid is gone.
- Sprinkle the seven-spice chili mix and chives on top as a garnish.
2.お好み焼き(As you like it Pancake "Okonomiyaki")

お好み焼きのレシピ(Okonomiyaki Recipe)
Ingredients (Serves 4)
- 150g cake flour(薄力粉)
- 50g chinese yam(長いも)
- 200cc bonito stock
- 2 eggs
- 4 thin slices pork belly
- 200g cabbage
- Green onion
- Bits of deep-fried tempura batter
- Red pickled ginger
- Dried bonito flakes
- Green laver(青のり)
- Okonomi sauce (Thick Japanese style of Worcester sauce)
- Mayonnaise
- Vegetable oil for cooking
- Rinse the cabbage and cut it into julienne strips(せん切り). Rinse the green onion and cut it using the edge cut(小口切り) technique.
- Peel the Chinese yam and grate(すりおろす). Chop the red pickled ginger finely.
- Cut the pork slices into 2cm wide pieces.
- Place the flour, stock and grated Chinese yam in a bowl, and mix well to make batter(生地).
- Add cabbage, green onion, reg pickled ginger, pork, bits of deep-fried tempura batter and eggs to the bowl, and mix well.
- Heat the hot plate to 200℃ (400°F) and add some vegetable oil.
- Pour the batter mixture onto the plate and sprinkle the dried bonito flakes on top. Heat for about 3 minutes.
- Turn the pancake over, and heat about for 5 minutes. Reverse again, and heat for about 5 minutes.
- Turn it over again, and heat for about 3 minutes and reverse again.
- Spread the okonomi sauce all over the surface facing up. Put some mayonnaise and sprinkle the green laver on top.
3.大学いも(Candied Sweet Potatoes)

大学いものレシピ(Candied Sweet Potatoes Recipe)
Ingredients (Serves 4)
- 1 sweet potato
- 1 tsp black parched sesame(炒り黒ごま)
- Oil for deep-frying
- 2 Tbsps water
- 5 Tbsps sugar
- 1 tsp soy sauce
- Wash the sweet potato well and cut into random shape, but the same size(乱切り).
- Soak in plenty of water to eliminate bitterness.
- Drain, place on a heat-resistant plate, cover with plastic wrap and heat in a microwave oven for a few minutes. Wipe off any moisture.
- Deep-fry the sweet potatoes in oil at 160℃ (320°F) slowly. When the surfaces harden, increase the oil temperature.
- Place the water, sugar and soy sauce in a pot, and heat while stirring(かき混ぜながら). When the liquid thickens, remove from the heat.
- Place the just-fried potatoes in the pot with the sauce. Mix quickly and sprinkle the black parched sesame on top.
- Transfer to a tray thinly coated with oil to cool.
- 語学留学を成功させる方法
- 語学学校の仕組み
- 日本でやるべき準備
- 留学生活で使える英語
- 日本でやれる英語の勉強方法


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