



最近、教授と仲良くなる方法はないかと探していたところ、モンタナ州立大学のあるサイトにちょうどいい文章がありました。その名も 「How To Get Along With Your College Professor(大学教授と仲良くやっていく方法)」 です。この記事では、その中から個人的に良いと思った部分を抜粋して9つ紹介したいと思います。


Go to class. You can’t have a relationship with your professor if you’re not there. It also helps ensure you don’t miss important course material or changes in the syllabus, such as due dates, meeting times, etc. Professors communicate things in class and don’t like to cover the same information multiple times to account for those who didn’t bother to show up.



Take advantage of office hours. Professors have this time set aside to meet with students for help and advising: You aren’t imposing by meeting with them. It’s helpful to introduce yourself to your professor so you can get to know each other—it never hurts to have the professor know who you are.



Develop a relationship with them. Professors can provide tremendous help as a teacher, mentor, and advisor. They can answer questions about their class, their career field, graduate school, jobs, research, etc.(中略)They can also provide guidance and letters of recommendation for jobs and internships.



Avoid being late. It is disruptive to enter a lecture late (or leave it early). If you know in advance you are going to be late, let the professor know. If you must enter late, do so as unobtrusively as possible, and speak with the professor after class to make your apology.



Depending on the class, many professors value discussion and dissenting opinions. Be courteous and polite with questions, and remember to be respectful of professors and classmates if you are expressing a dissenting opinion.




If you have a conflict or disagreement with your professor over a grade or course material, don’t discuss it or fire off an email when you’re angry. Wait until you are calm and can identify your issue/request. Be specific about your concerns and questions.



Be specific and constructive in giving course feedback. Try not to wait until the end of the course to express a need or dissatisfaction—if you raise it earlier, your success or enjoyment of the course may change.



Don’t lie. Whatever situation you’re in, it’s likely to be made worse by lying. Messages, emails, and log-ins are usually time/date stamped, and stories are hard to keep track of. It’s best just to deal with the situation like a professional adult.



Sit towards the front of the class and pay attention. Your distance from the professor is usually correlated to your distance from an “A.”




もし興味がある方は モンタナ州立大学のウェブサイト で全文を見ることができます。また、モンタナ州立大学は他にも 学生に向けたお役立ち情報 を載せているので是非見てみてください!

名称 Montana State University(モンタナ州立大学)
国・都市 アメリカ  / モンタナ州  / ボーズマン
学校形態 大学 大学院
住所 732 W Grant ボーズマン 59717
電話番号 +1 888-678-2287
公式サイト http://www.montana.edu/
口コミサイト https://ablogg.jp/school/9053/
